Need to ask an important question regarding our services?...Well this page will give you the up to date information that will help assist you in with the most common questions we received, hopefully this fixes your issue!

Question: How do i install the PS2CV Store?

Answer: To install the application download the app fromhereand place it in either the root of your USB flash drive or in a folder on your USB flash drive named packages" then on your PS3 go to [GAME]>[Package Manager]>[Install Package Files] and choose where you placed the installer in and install it. (It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if you have a previous version below v1.34 of the PS2CV Store or a different installation of PKGi, you must uninstall those versions before installing v1.34 of the app).

Question: I get an error code 8002AE04 When i install a PS1/2/3CV game/application...How do i fix this?

Answer: You're receiving this error because you downloaded a PS2 Classics Vault provided game or application using Back DL witch can cause this specific error, This happens because our download host cannot correctly send the i'm done downloading signal properly to the PS3 console thus downloading extra data that corrupts a file(s) that prevents it from installing correctly. (It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you download our content via Direct DL to avoid this such error. The PS2CV Store application was built to properly close the connection w/out corrupting any file within the installer, however NoPayStation games can still be downloaded via Back DL w/out issues).

Question: I have encountered an issue when i download a game directly where ETA displays an unreasonable amount of time like this 100% ETA: 000000h 000000m what can i do to fix this?

Answer: This is a common problem as some/many users reported they are encountering this kind of issue, however this is a visual glitch and your download should be downloading as normal we ask you to give it some time before taking any further action to see if this issue is not a visual bug, however if it persists here is what you can do to resolve it faster. Use a file manager or FTP to access the filesystem of your PS3 such as multiman or irisman etc. and then proceed to head to this path "dev_hdd0/tmp/pkgi" and proceed to remove/delete any files in that folder, once it has finished removing the files in that folder exit to your XMB & open the PS2CV Store once again and attempt to redownload the specified content that gave you this issue before and hopefully this bug will not occur this time.

Question: My download speed is slow, how can i improve or fix this?

Answer: The reason you're download is slow can be a number of factors, resulting to low connection speed performance, however though this maybe the case, the max speed our server host supports for the PS3 is up to 1mbps and rare times 2mbps depending on what server PS2CV Store is connected to, Keep in mind the PS3 is using older networking hardware so speeds are not going to be the same as if you were downloading the same content on PC. This is out of our control, however other factors that can impact download speeds are:

Wi-Fi Connectivity Performance   Distance from the router  
 Wired or Wireless Connection   Server(s) being over stressed

You can improve your environment by doing a reboot of your router/modem and even using DNS services such as CloudFlare, Google DNS & OpenDNS. You could also VPN your connection if your router supports VPN functionality. Though speeds do vary depending on how far you are from the main servers. If you're unsure what your connection speed is we recommend using Speed Test By Ookla to determine if your connection speed is being affected.